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Updated CFW BITTBOY (V2 V2.5 V3 V3.5 users) V4.2 20190821

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

RETROMIMI Buy for all retrogame handhelds

Here is a CFW guide for (V2 V2.5 V3 V3.5 Bittboy) Bittboy_CFW_V4.2_20190821 Big thanks to CountDuckula,MrRobotSK, da1writer "2TMAU5, Scooterpsu, and all the other devs for their contributions.

2)Remove all partitions of SD card and format it with FAT32 etc. (I used Windows Disk Management)

3)Download win32diskimager and install it.<>

4)Execute win32diskimager, select SD driver, load the .IMG file and press "Write" button to proceed.

5)Once the image is burned, insert the SD into New Bittboy and turn it on. If it boots it is a success.

6)You can expand you main drive to reclaim the full space use partition magic or similar app.

changelog: 21/08/19

pocketgo v1.3

Bittboy v4.2

*gmenunx hold select & L will change volume up or down hold select & R will change backlight up down.

*added latest fceux nes emulator (miyoofcfceu_20190807_by_koroneo) much better performance thanks to koroneo

*added uae4all amiga emulator thanks to jamesofarrell

*added vectrex emulator You need to have a copy of Minestorm in .vecxemu and name the file rom.dat.Otherwise it won't run as Minestorm also contains worth of 1kb of BIOS functions used by most games thanks to sauce.

*added Circuit Dude game thanks to @crait

*added chocolate-doom-modlaunch doom mods (Copy Doom 2 retail wad to /games/ccdoom (in main partition) with the filename Doom2.wad.) thanks to scooterpsu

*updated thanks to sauce this is now the main GPSP emulator.

*added comic-book skin HUGE THANKS TO Segich & SimplEasy FOR ARTWORK

*updated SORR to v5.1 & now you can exit properly in game menu :)

*updated fontigrid theme for new emulators & games thanks s4i

*updated ST-SDL Terminal Emulator changed some of the key mappings in order to type faster, like Start is Enter and Select is Tab, also Reset now closes the program by Benob, Ported by SantX27 thanks.

*new miyoo_daemon 0.0.3 added battery detection. Once the battery gets below 3.55v the screen will flash every minute or so. The value can be adjusted by creating /mnt/.batterylow.conf. The default value is 3550.thanks to jamesofarrell

*updated edits to the bootup we have now hidden terminal screens on boot and when switching games etc so it looks clean the colors can be changed also see below default terminal color is same as bootlogo color.

"changed init script to silent output.

Added custom terminl colors. Edit "/main/kernel/colors" to update them"

*New FB Driver for v3 v3.5 & pocketgo (version bug fixes) thanks to jamesofarrell

*New Zimage for all devices

- Disable Bootlogo

- Disable Android specific code

- Enable Squashfs support

- Disable the kernel's NTFS code.

- set the block scheduler to deadline.

- Disable Make rodata strictly non-executable

- enable experemental FPU code

- enable BLK_DEV_LOOP for OPK support

thanks to jamesofarrell

credits thank's in no particular order.



















BITTBOY CFW changelog: v4.1 09/08/19

*Merged with latest GmenuNX release new features and better future support thanks ping_flood.

*(latest screen tearing fix & for some people experiencing distortion) thanks roast

*added sd sync patch fixes the forced shutdown corruption problem thanks SantX27

*Gambatte has been updated Changes:below thanks Hi-Ban

- Added an option to switch between mono and stereo sound. Default option (and recommended one) is Mono.

- Removed L/R menu hotkeys for most devices. Now only the power/suspend button calls the menu.

*added new fceux nes emulator much better performance thanks to koroneo

*added fontigrid theme for new gmenuNX support thanks s4i

*added ST-SDL Terminal Emulator by Benob, Ported by SantX27 thanks.

*FBA added new fba release for arcade games thanks to Hank.

Standard keymapping:


SELECT - Coin1

START - Start1


A - Fire1

B - Fire2

X - Fire3

Y - Fire4

L - Fire5

R - Fire6

*New daemon from jamesofarrell thanks

Defaults are now

(all with select held)

x: brightness up

hold x: Toggle between max/min brightness

a: brightness down

hold a: quick shutdown

y: volume up

hold y: nothing

b: volume down

hold b: toggle mute/unmute

so if you hold select and x instead of pressing it you get a second action

credits thank's in no particular order.













Bittboy CFW V3.9




*POKEMINI: New Emulator Added! Pokemon Mini (pokemini emulator) - Thanks scooterpsu

*GAMBATTE: Updated and sorted the included palettes - Thanks 2TMAU5

+See pastebin link below for information on using more of the included palettes

*SMS/GG: SMS Plus GX emulator updated with input remapping support - Thanks sauce

*SNES: Optimised SNES9X - Thanks scooterpsu

+Save location updated from '.snes96_snapshots' to '.snes9x4d'. If upgrading move old save files.

*HERETIC: Shareware datafile included

+To play full version, copy HERTIC.WAD to 'games\hheretic\'

*HEXEN: Fix - Game now runs fullscreen - thanks scooterpsu

*HEXEN: Shareware datafile included

+To play full version, copy HEXEN.WAD to 'games\hhexen\'

*STRIFE: New Game Added! Chocolate Strife - Thanks scooterpsu

+Requires the retail STRIFE1.WAD datafile to be copied to 'games

Bittboy CFW V3.8 2019-05-18 ---------------- Release Notes:

*LYNX: New Emulator Added! Atari Lynx (Handy Emulator) - Thanks Sauce +Place ROMs in /roms/LYNX/

*DOS: Now boots to LaunchBox for MS-DOS SE 2.0 +Included Commander Keen shareware episode 1 "Marooned on Mars" +See pastebin link below for information on usage and adding additional games *GAMEBOY: Included additional gambatte palettes - Thanks MrRobotSK *GBA: Modfied GPSP control mapping screen text *NEOGEO: Enabled gmenu ROM selector. Fixed issue causing the emulator to quit unless a game was first selected using the internal gngeo ROM selector *NEOGEO: ROM selector will display game name rather than zip file name (added alias file) - Thanks scooterpsu *SNES: SNES button mapping now correctly matches SNES controller face button layout - Thanks scooterpsu *SOD: Corrected loading of included shareware datafiles - Thanks scooterpsu *SOD: Added new version of Spear of Destiny with support for retail/full datafiles - Thanks scooterpsu +See pastebin link below for retail version setup information *WOLF3D: Added new version of Wolfenstein 3D with support for retail/full datafiles - Thanks scooterpsu +See pastebin link below for retail version setup information *MPLAYER: Configuration updated with new features- Thanks scooterpsu: +Control volume and backlight brightness without exiting +Non-4:3 video is no longer stretched +Automatically resume videos where you left off *SKIN: (From CFW3.7) Added 'Grid Theme' - Thanks 2TMAU5 +When using this skin, set 'Section Bar Position' to 'Bottom' and select a wallpaper with a name beginning with 'GRID' from within the skin section of gmenu *SKIN: Corrected loading of some missing icons in oldboy skin (where available) *GMENU: Default backlight timeout increased from 30 to 90 seconds

For further information on new features and the included emulators, see

Bittboy_CFW_V3.7_Beta_20190513 for V2 & V3 users

*New kernel added fix screen issue (v3 owners only) got where the top portion of the screen would show up on the bottom thank's to da1writer & Steward

*added new gambatte release from Hiban thanks.

*To shut down safely: From the main menu hold the 'R' button and press 'A' to shut down. Flick the power switch once the screen goes black' and maybe extend default screen timeout before it goes off

*Borders and palette files for gambatte and ohboy moved (fixes these not being available in the emulator's setting)

*Config file for picodrive included. Default mapping B=A, A=B, TA=C, can be configured in the emulator's settings menu. (Fixes issue with all 3 buttons not being mapped by default)

*Emulator titles renamed

*Emulator list sorting changed.

*Sort order can be configured by renaming the files within 'gmenu2x\sections\emulators'. All files begin with a number (eg '01-gambatte'), change numbering to change display order.

*Set default ROM path for some emulators, see emulator info below

*2 emulator executables renamed to work with skin icons ('\emus\gambatte\gambatte-bittboy' to 'gambatte','\emus\gpsp_gameblabla\gpsp' to 'gpsp_gameblabla')

*Icon files for emulators renamed to correctly load when skin is changed (fixes skins using default skin icons rather than their own for many emulators)

*Removed non-functional emulator shortcut files in 'gmenu2x\sections\emulators' *Removed Older Sega Master System emulator. SMS Plus GX is now the default emulator for SMS and Game Gear.

Emulator Info:

*'Icon Name' is the png image file name required for the emulator when creating themes (located in gmenu2x\skins\<theme name>\icons)

Emulator Name Icon Name Rom Selector Defaults to Info

------------- --------- ------------------------ -----

GameBoy gambatte /roms Current Gambatte (20190408)

GBA gpsp_gameblabla /roms/GBA Current GPSP, re-mappable controls

NES fceux /roms/NES

SNES snes9x4d /roms/SNES Start+Select to enter emulator menu

SMS/GG smsplusgx /roms/SMS

MEGADRIVE picodrive /roms/SMD Also supports MegaCD(SegaCD) and SMS/GG

2600 stella /roms/2600

PC ENGINE temper /roms/PCE

PS1 pcsx /roms/PS1

WSWAN oswan /roms/WSWAN

ARCADE mame4all Internal ROM selector Uses Mame2003 (0.78) set

NEOGEO gngeo Internal ROM selector Place BIOS ( in /roms/NEOGEO along with games

DOS dosbox

GB-RUMBLE gambatte_sdl /roms Older Gambatte (20190326). Rumble support

GB-OHBOY ohboy /roms Alternative Gameboy/Gameboy Colour emulator

GBA-RUMBLE gpsp /roms/GBA Older GPSP. Rumble support


Bittboy_CFW_V3.6_Beta_20190502 for V2 & V3 users

*added Fontes amazing skin thanks Fontes

*added custom pallets for ohboy thanks 2tmau5

*added custom borders for gambatte thanks da1writer

*added new build of gambatte thanks Hi-ban

*added polish translation to gmenu2x thanks Macmmm81

*new wallpapers added from competition winners thank you all

*new wallpapers added from Fontes thank you

*skin colors can now be changed from the settings thank you cutbot001

*new bittboy boot logo thank you to both Hi-ban and scooterpsu for helping implement the logo.

*added MPLAYER supports 320x240 30fps h.264 with fast decode thanks sauce.

*updated new build of gambatte again thanks Hi-ban 28/4/19

*added spear of destiny full your need your own backup files thank to scooterpsu

*added new skin SFC thanks to simpleeasy for all the new icons.

*fat32 corruption fix implemented thanks to scooterpsu

*added new icons for Fontes theme thanks to Fontes for the missing disk icons

Changelog Bittboy_CFW_V3.5_Beta_20190411

*please note there are 2 gambatte ports one by Hi-ban one by steward stewards has a vibration feature added for modded users only. Same goes with gpsp one is gameblabla port other is stewards port which has also the rumble feature added. Please see which ones work best for you thanks and enjoy.

*updated Support rumble feature thanks steward

*added Support rumble feature thanks steward

*added port of SMS Plus GX. This is based on sauce improved fork with several fixes thanks sauce

*added thanks sauce

*added custom_pallets_pack_v1 to stewards gambattle release.

Changelog Bittboy_CFW_V3.4_Beta_20190328

*added pang game Porting from RS97 source thanks steward

*updated gmenu2x Fix suspend issue (issue: GMenu2X is always in work mode when PoweroffTimeout value is equal to zero) thanks steward

*fixed gmu Fix backlight issue (issue: failed to turn off backlight LED when sleep) thanks steward

*updated gpsp_Remap buttons (Miyoo_B:GBA_L, Miyoo_TB:GBA_R) Support L and R buttons (hardware mod) thanks steward

*added wqx porting from Android source thanks steward

*updated new gambattle release thanks Hi-ban *added how to update beta releases pdf guide inc with the beta releases thanks to Alexai



*added hheretic port thanks steward

*added hhexen port thanks steward

*added king of fighters thanks steward

*added ROTT thanks steward

*updated skin megaskinKCH2019 thanks cut1001

*updated gmenu2x fix backlight issue and change poweroff timeout setting thanks steward.



*added mame4all arcade emulator thanks steward

*update mame4all Updated cheat.dat & Fix rom list issue (issue: cursor disappaear when too mamy roms put in folder thanks steward

*add new skin megaskinKCH2019 thanks cut1001

*update fceux optimise code thanks steward.

*added bard thanks steward

*gngeo updated game fixes thanks steward

*added liero thanks steward

*updated mame4all bug fixes thanks steward

Changelog Bittboy_CFW_V3.1_Beta_20190314

*fixed quake not starting changed set cpu 702mhz

*added wonderswan emulator back thanks sauce

*added gamebattle gb emulator (B => quick save,TB => quick load) thanks steward *swapped to gpsp_gameblabla to fix input lag problems thanks sauce

*fixed gambattle emulator (change A and B button, remove hotkey for both quick save/load) thanks steward

*music player gmuplayer (A: add into play list START: change tab page SELECT -> START: exit R Menu: blank screen R(START + A): turn screen on) thanks steward.

*added wizwrite thanks steward

*added new game tombstone thanks steward



*New V3.0_Image supports V1 & V2 (V1 users must Hard mod only)

1 image to flash for both V1 & V2 now

for v1 bittboy, it needs 4bit hardware mod

for v2 bittboy, no hardware mod required

R is power button

TA TB page down page up

press R will into suspend mode

press R again will back to normal

hold 10seconds will pop shutdown dialog thanks Steward

*added sharware files for quake

*added shareware files fore quake 2



*latest framebuffer fix thanks to steward

*latest zImage fix thanks to steward

*updated fceux for LoadState/SaveState issue

*added asciiportal game thanks steward

*cavestory game thanks sauce

*added cdogs game thanks steward

*added digger game thanks steward

*added mr drillux game thanks steward

*added sorr game thanks steward

*added openbor emulator thanks steward

*added opentyrian game thanks sauce

*added stella emulator thanks sauce

*added openbor update fixed color issue thanks steward

*new zimage fixed headfone sound problems thanks steward.



*latest framebuffer fix thanks to steward

*latest zImage fix thanks to steward

*added cannonball thanks to sauce

*added dosbox thanks to steward

*added gngeo thanks to steward

*updated gpsp thank to steward

*added oswan thanks to sauce

*updated ohboy with templates thanks to steward

*updated pcsx_rearmed thanks to steward

*ccdoom updated for full screen thanks to steward

*added quake port thanks to sauce

*added quake 2 port thanks to sauce

*added sdlpal_v2 thanks to steward

*added wolf3d port thanks to steward

*updated gmenunx thanks to pingflood steward

Remember this is only a beta test image and for testing purposes only use at your own risk.

V2 video guide here Guide here

Thanks to the team








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Please, make it work the tv out from pocketgo v1

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