Hi and welcome to the site please make yourself at home why not join the site and catch up on the latest GCW-ZERO news. Please bare in mind this is work in progress updates and new features will be added soon thank you for your patience.
Admin Team.
<Click me
Screen: 3.5 inch LCD 320x240 Pixels
CPU: JZ4770 1Ghz Mips
GPU: GC860 OpenGL2.0
RAM: 512M DDR2
Internal memory 16GB
Battery: 2200 mAh.
Click the screen then scroll down to see how to upgrade the firmware to the latest opendingux.
Click the screen then scroll down to download the latest opendinx firmwares.
Click the screen then scroll down for instructions to unbrick your device and download the rescue cd-usb or to copy to a new bigger sd card.
Hi and welcome to the site please make yourself at home why not join the site and catch up on the latest GCW-ZERO news. Please bare in mind this is work in progress updates and new features will be added soon thank you for your patience.
Admin Team.