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RG-350_v1.5_BASE_231019 Firmware
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1*Remove the internal sd card make sure you completely wipe it inc all the partitions
2*flash using your fav app system32 or etcher
3*Then finally extend the ext4 partition with diskgenius or any other partition tool and your be good to go.
Changelog v1.5_BASE 23/10/19
*New stable updates
*Linkdev (joystick drive) joins L2, R2, L3, R3
*Join hardware BGR switch
*Hardware stretching to bicubic algorithm
*Join the midi driver
*[!] Power + L1 switches to forced rocker mode, this mode is still in the trial phase, deadzone has not been completed, may not be very good
*Fixed SUSPEND regression (JBDoge comment)
*Replaced new fba with 180 rotation to play vertical games properly thanks to wanguangming..
*New picodrive v1.93 replaced fixes by tony-Jih
*New psx emulator pcsx4all_sauce_20191022 version.
*New emulator scummvm added.
*New emulator Vice c64
*New app glutexo edit txt files
*New app ffplay video player
*New app gmu mp3 player
*apps= aplications copy to /media/data/apps
*emulators= tested emulators copy to /media/data/apps
*games= games that require no additional data copy to /media/data/apps
*ports= ports that require additional data in folders copy to /media/data/apps
required data files and locations for ports see below (note locations local or .local) Downloads here https://rs97.bitgala.xyz/RG-350/localpack/
*bermudasyndrome.opk copy data to (local/home/.bermudasyndrome)
*cannonball.opk copy files to (local/home/.cannonball/roms)
*devilutionx-rg350.opk copy diabdat.mpq to (.local/share/diasurgical/devilution/diabdat.mpq)
*ecwolf.opk copy data file to (local/home/.ecwolf)
*eduke32.opk copy duke3d.grp to local/home/.eduke32
*hexen2.opk copy data1 to (local/home/.hexen2/data1)
*Quake-1.0-GCWZero-gles1.opk copy id1 to (.local/home/data/Quake/id1)
*REminiscence.opk copy data to (local/home/.REminiscence/data)
*shadow-warior.opk copy sw.grp to (local/home/.jfsw)
*Quake 3 Arena.opk pak files for Quake3 live under /usr/local/home/.q3a/baseq3/
*SDL Quake 2.opk IF YOU HAVE PLAYED QUAKE2 BEFORE YOU NEED TO DELETE .quake2/baseq2/config.cfg To add the full version Quake2-1.1-GCWZero-gles1.opk copy baseq2 to (.local/home/data/Quake2/baseq2) MUST BE LOWER CASE
Changelog v1.4_BASE 12/10/19
*Removed all games clean image with latest updates below (OPK PACK) Provided so user can install what they like simply copy them to sdcard/APPS folder.
*Updated PSX4all "Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience."
*Fixed right analog dead zone
*Fixed low battery led isn't working on some consoles
*Fixed random slowdown / on crash some consoles
*Fixed default.png crash on GMenu2x wallpapers
*Adjust joystick dead-zone
changelog v1.3 09/10/19
*fixed slow down in vmlinuz.bin
*fixed joystick flat value in vmlinuz.bin
*New psx4all fixed gameblabla fixed the issues in games with Dualshock enabled
changelog v1.2 07/10/19
*Fixed psx4all now can use analogue stick in games
*created folders so you know where to put the data files for some ports
*New game abbaye.opk
*New game Hexxen2.opk
*New game Fade to black.opk
*New game BarbieSA.opk
*New game C-dogsSDL.opk
*New game Gannatsu Portable.opk
*New game Ginas Retrun.opk
*New game Hydra Castle.opk
*New game Kobo Deluxe.opk
*New game Last Mission.opk
*New game Liero.opk
*New game Meritous.opk
*New game Meteroid3d.opk
*New game Nanobounce.opk
*New game Ri-Li.opk
*New game Road Fighter.opk
*New game SRB2.opk
*New game Stransball2.opk
*New game Shisen-Seki.opk
*New game Sparktak chess
*New game Sqrxz.opk
*New game Sqrxz2.opk
*New game Sqrxz3.opk
*New game Sqrxz4.opk
*New game Vectoroids.opk
*New game Wetspot.opk
*New game Xump.opk
changelog v1.1 04/10/19
*Image size now 1.24gb zipped & 1.83GB unzipped :)
*added cannonball.opk
*added chocolatedoom.opk
*added digger.opk
*added ecwolf.opk
*added eduke32.opk
*added quake_1.0_gles1.opk
*added REminiscence.opk
*added tileworld.opk
*added uae4all.opk
changelog v1.0 29/09/19
*screen off now working set the time the screen will sleep
*kernel update now support cpu profiles
*performance.opk cpu profiles set your cpu profiles
thanks to team below
I bought a rg350 and have followed your tutorial on updating the firmware. I have tried (the non rogue) 1.5 and rogue from ETA Primes and DB Techs tutorials. When I put the card and copy the files from the pack in the system, a ton of my emulators no longer function. They are on the system, they just don't function (when I open pcs4xall it seems to be like the file explorer and shows all of the file information). Have you run into this issue, do you know how to fix the emulators (that is just one, I think three of them are doing this)?
Please help me, after upgrading RG350 to v1.7, my device was rebooted constantly and the screen was black, I tried everything to fix it but it didn't work.
So, im just waiting.... hoping there is an update coming??? i still have 1.6 and 1.7 saved and i never had any issues with 1.7 so maybe i should switch back to that while waiting....
Mips developer, mips cpus are the slowest on the planet, 1 in 7 ps1 games work, the machine doesnt have the horsepower to play ps1 games properly and never will, its also the most uncomfortable console ive ever used, after 15 minutes i got hand cramps, ive sold the stupid bloody thing now anyway, the ps vita compared to this is like comparing a mini cooper to a porsche 911, its gaming hardware designed for the purpose with a beautiful high res OLED screen and superb sound quality. the rg350 cannot even power my sennheiser headphones without severe distortion, mate this is not a quality product, its bloody awful. The rg350 cant even play 20 year old games what use…
I'm both baffled and amused by Paul Poe incompetence, ignorance, and pretentiousness. His avatar picture shows a grown up man, but what we can read in his posts down here are just signs of a first-grader attitude throwing tantrums because he can't receive a pre-cooked support which his closed-mindness prevents him to understand and see. The RG350 is one of the best, most open and most versatile retro gaming devices ever existed. Instead, the PS Vita IS indeed a closed system, with a (often toxic) homebrew scene full of problems inherited from its PSP embedded firmware and, to be honest, its emulation support is wonky at best. In 2019 (almost 2020) the PS Vita is still incapable of running a simple DosBOX instance…