has teamed up with us to bring us exclusive offers and discount codes with free accessories icluded. So if you been after a RS-97 for a bargain price but have not bit the bullet just yet well now is your lucky day you can get a great discount if you use the discount code JUTLEYS at checkout for the exclusive price of $50.31 free world wide shipping and you can use the link below. Please share on facebook or other social media on the links at the bottom of the page.
Old V2.0 & New V2.1 in stock both are compatiable with the latest v1.3 opendingux firmwares (please spcify when ordering).
The game console comes with two screen protective films & a screwdriver & Free Worldwide shipping.
Buy from the link below the discount code is JUTLEYS to get the price of $50.31
use the link below